Ski lifts

Ski slopes

Lift Banderitsa: 9 AM - last ride 4:15 PM, Lift Plato: 9 AM - last ride 4 PM
Disposable plastic products will no longer be used in the ski area of Bansko. This is a new environmental initiative of the concessionaire Ulen.
Starting in the beginning of the winter season 2018/2019 in all establishments on the territory of the ski area in Bansko the packages will be replaced as follows:
· Plastic bottles with glass
· Plastic cups with paper cups
· Plastic straws with bamboo
· Disposable tableware such as plates, knifes, spoons etc. will be replaced entirely with biodegradable materials such as cardboard, wood or paper
Even if the delivery price for the new products is higher, the price for the guests of the resort remains unchanged.
As part of the environmental strategy of Ulen in 2012 the system for separate collection of packaging was implemented - in accordance with the Bulgarian legislation. The annual staff trainings ensure that our empolyees and team members work strictly according to the regulations. Separate waste collection containers are placed in the areas around the establishments and are marked visible.
In 2018 employees of the concessionaire collected around 1.5 tons of plastic waste and delivered it to licensed recovery companies.
We urge the guests of our resort to avoid the use of disposable plastic products and to use only designated locations for disposal.