Lifts and ski slopes

Ski lifts

Banderitsa 1
Banderitsa 2
Chalin Valog
Stara kotva
Detska kotva
Panitsa B
Vlek Chalin
Tsarna Mogila

Ski slopes

Plato 1
Shiligarnik 1
Stara pista
Shiligarnik 2
Plato 2
Tsarna Mogila
Chalin Valog 2
Chalin Valog 1
Ski road 1
Ski road 2
Gondola working hours 08:30 - 17:00, ski lifts 08:45 - 16:15.
Lift Banderitsa: 9 AM - last ride 4:15 PM, Lift Plato: 9 AM - last ride 4 PM

Snow cover

20 cm
Banderishka Polyana
60 cm
170 cm


saturday 01
light snow
snow - cm
min. -2 max. -2
humidity 94%
wind 5 km/h
light snow
snow - cm
min. -1 max. -1
humidity 87%
wind 5 km/h
snow shwrs
snow - cm
min. -3 max. -1
humidity 84%
wind 5 km/h
sunday 02
light snow
snow - cm
min. -3 max. -2
humidity 92%
wind 5 km/h
light snow
snow 2 cm
min. -3 max. -2
humidity 97%
wind 10 km/h
light snow
snow - cm
min. -7 max. -4
humidity 66%
wind 10 km/h
monday 03
snow - cm
min. -7 max. -5
humidity 55%
wind 10 km/h
light snow
snow - cm
min. -4 max. -4
humidity 80%
wind 5 km/h
snow shwrs
snow - cm
min. -6 max. -5
humidity 69%
wind 10 km/h
tuesday 04
snow - cm
min. -5 max. -3
humidity 40%
wind 10 km/h
snow - cm
min. -2 max. -1
humidity 39%
wind 10 km/h
snow - cm
min. -3 max. -2
humidity 47%
wind 10 km/h
wednesday 05
snow - cm
min. -1 max. 2
humidity 29%
wind 5 km/h
snow - cm
min. 3 max. 3
humidity 39%
wind 5 km/h
some clouds
snow - cm
min. 2 max. 3
humidity 31%
wind 10 km/h
thursday 06
snow - cm
min. 3 max. 6
humidity 16%
wind 10 km/h
snow - cm
min. 6 max. 7
humidity 29%
wind 10 km/h
snow - cm
min. 4 max. 5
humidity 22%
wind 0 km/h

General terms




1. These General Terms & Conditions (GTC) include:

1.1. General rules of ski - runs and ski lifts use within the limits of Bansko Ski Area.

1.2. Special rules for paragliding within the limits of the ski area in the town of Bansko.

1.3. Obligatory behavioral safety of skiers and snowboarders going in for winter sports within the limits of Bansko Ski Area.

1.4. General terms for issuе, sale, validity and use of tickets and ski passes within the limits of Bansko Ski Area.

1.5. General rules of the Loyalty Program "Bansko Loyalty Club" starting from winter season 2018-2019

1.6. Rules on monitoring of the observance of the ski patrol general terms and conditions, as well as operations.  

2. These General Terms & Conditions are valid and apply to the ski - runs and the servicing aerial ropeways for transportation of people being within the limits of Bansko Ski Area, hereinafter referred to as „ski area“ or „ski center“.

3. Any customer of the ski center, enjoying the services and performing the activities referred to in these GTC must be aware of its provisions, obey unconditionally the instructions of the personnel servicing the aerial ropeways, ski patrol, representatives of Bansko Mountain Rescue Service (MRS) and all other personnel responsible for ensuring safe use of ski slopes and cableways in the territory of the ski area. Unconditional compliance with the rules, personnel instructions, guide and informative signs and boards would reduce a risk of accidents.

4. Any customer through the purchase of a service or going in for winter sports on the territory of Bansko Ski Area, i.e. carrying out activities regulated by these GTC, agrees with those referred to in general and specific rules concerning the particular service and / or activity.

5. Any customer of Bansko Ski Area, including tourists, doing winter sports / skiing and / or snowboarding / onsite, are responsible for complying with the established rules in the ski area and do winter sports and make use of the cableways at their sole risk.

6. Each service customer offered in the ski area is required to assess their moment  mental state and physical fitness, the specific snow and weather conditions, and whether they are capable or have the necessary skills to perform the appropriate activities, such as skiing, snowboarding on the slopes within the ski area and/or use of adjoining cableways and to assess their readiness to take appropriate inherent in practising this kind of activities.

7. Anyone doing winter sports on the territory of Bansko Ski Area is responsible for the condition of their equipment, including the necessary adjustments, according to certain criteria / height, weight, condition of the snow and others./



8. The general rules on ski - runs and lifts usage in the ski area, hereinafter referred to as the Terms of Use of Bansko Ski Area are developed on the grounds of Article 23, paragraphs 1 and 2, in conjunction with Art. 21 of the Regulation on Safeguarding and Information Richness of the Ski - Runs in the Republic of Bulgaria and Breaching Safety Regulations for the Territory of the Ski - Runs and Ski Areas and for Ski Patrols Operation Organization (the Regulation).

9. The Terms of Use of the ski area define all key points related to ensuring the safeguarding, information richness and ski-runs safety within Bansko Ski Area. They regulate the terms and conditions which must be followed by anyone practising winter sports.

10. With regard to the arising out of Art. 157, para. 1 of the Law on Tourism obligation of the company ULEN AD, in its capacity as a concessionaire of the Ski area in the town of Bansko under a contract for a concession on protected area, an exclusive state property, constituting a part of the National Park "Pirin", Bansko Municipality, Blagoevgrad for construction and operation of Bansko Ski Area as from 21.12.2001, it aims to ensure unconditional compliance with the requirements for the ski - runs safety and information richness, as well as approval of rules for safe behavior of tourists skiers / snowboarders and special rules under the Regulation.

11.  Bansko Ski Area covers ski slopes of various stage of difficulty and purpose, ski ways, children's ski area, a Fun Park and ropeways for transportation of people.

12. Within the limits of Bansko Ski Area there are ski slopes suitable for Beginners / 35% / Advanced skiers / 40% / Expert skiers / 25% /, as they are clearly marked according to their stage of difficulty  and are secured according to the established statutory requirements.

13. Ulen AD, as a concessionaire of the Bansko Ski Area, monitors and is in charge of the strict maintenance of the ski slopes in winter, which in turn includes the following activities:

- Grooming of ski - runs / ski routes, done by special- purpose machinery/ Kassbohrer and  Leitner ratracks/ by highly qualified personnel, strictly observing the safety rules and taking into account the specific snow condition, angle of slopes and weather conditions;

- Artificial snow making by using the existing system for artificial snow, which covers about 90% of the slopes in the ski area;

- Removal of obstacles, artificially created as a result of natural conditions;

- Marking of ski - runs by placing appropriate signs indicating the colour corresponding to their stage of difficulty, information and direction signs placing and making them safe in accordance with an approved fencing project.

14. The ski - runs within Bansko Ski Area are publicly available for all tourists wishing to do winter sports/skiing and snowboarding /or to be taught by ski instructors with a required qualification.

15. In order to ensure safe use of the ski - runs by skiers and snowboarders, it is prohibited to use them as not intended, namely by pedestrians and sledges, which is monitored by the ski patrol.

16. Within the limits of the ski-runs it is not allowed to use vehicles or other transport facilities other than ski or snowboards, except for vehicles that are used for ski-runs grooming, for ensuring order and safety or in an emergency situation, as well as those   used by people involved in mountain rescue and / or medical teams.

17. During the opening hours, when the ski-runs are opened to tourists, the transport facilities as per the previous paragraph can move on them, subject to the following rules:

1. an orange light to be placed in a promiment location;

2. when visibility is poor, an audible warning device to be used;

3. the ski-run to be cleared as quickly as possible;

4. In case of an accident requiring parking and traffic on the track of vehicles as per the preceding paragraph, it is necessary to secure the place visible to all users on the ski-run.

18. Vehicles in the preceding paragraph may carry out the following activities:

1. Transportation of injured persons, rescue personnel (doctors, patrol, rescue dogs in avalanches, etc.), equipment, marking and protective equipment, equipment or personnel for rescue of trapped in the ski lifts; ski lifts-repair facilities; snow machines-repair facilities; equipment or personnel to control avalanches, injured in need of evacuation, equipment for competitions, equipment that belongs to the competitors, equipment for events;

2. Moving to the place for troubleshooting and snow making technical system (means) management and operation of ratrack vehicles;

3. Basic monitoring of the ski-run;

    4. Return to the place designated for parking after completion of operation.

19. Crossing of vehicles through the ski runs, located in Bansko Ski Area beyond those specified in item 16 is not allowed, including after closing the ski-runs and after completion of operation.

20. Within the territory of the ski-runs, life-saving operations are provided by the MRS teams and medical officers.

21. Ulen AD, as a concessionaire, has the right to restrict access to the territory of the ski-runs provided there are legal requirements for this.

22. The management of the company Ulen AD has the right at its discretion to close the ski-runs for tourists in the following cases:

1. After the daily completion of their operation;

2. In the event of a situation that would endanger tourists’ life or health;

3. In avalanche danger, and in bad weather;

4. In the course of sports competitions, events and trainings, which in view of their nature necessitates restriction of the use of the ski run / on the grounds of Art.151, para.3 of the Territorial Act;

5. In case of need of a ski track treatment;

6. In other cases, as provided for in the current legislation.

23. Immediately prior to the closing of the ski-runs under the preceding paragraph, with the exception of item 1 thereof, ski patrollers are required to put a sign on the appropriate ski slope as closed by placing appropriate fences, possibly, across the whole width of the piste, and signs. The closure of a ski slope is done in a way that does not jeopardize the skiers and must be visible in bad weather.

24. The management of the company Ulen may give orders or authorize a complete or partial closure of a ski slope depending on the specific reason.

25. With the consent of the management of the company Ulen ski slopes or certain sections of them may be closed for training activities led by the coach of the team.

26. Specified training sites should be marked by the ski patrol with appropriate safety facilities as closed. Arrangements for their using for the purposes of the training process is determined by the training leader.

27. The ski slopes within the limits of Bansko Ski Area can be enjoyed by anyone  practising winter sports, every day during the winter season in the time interval from 08:30 to 17:30. The time for opening and closing of the ski slopes is consistent with the operational  hours of the Gondola lift, ski lifts and draglifts that service the slopes.

28. Before the daily slope opening, representatives of MRS and ski patrol employees check the conditions of pistes passability, safety facilities reliability and information richness, including the information and directing signs and boards for existence of unusual hazards, including avalanches and landslides.

29. Access to the ski slopes on the territory of Bansko Ski Area is provided by a Gondola ropeway, 2 six-seater fixed-grip chairlifts; 6 four-seater fixed-grip chairlifts; 4 pcs. ski tow with high rope guidance / 2 pcs. of which of anchor type and 2 pcs. pan type /; 3 pcs. ski lifts with low rope guidance; 3 pcs. conveyor belts and baby carousel. All facilities operate under appropriate weather conditions and technical safety requirements.

30. Gondola lift operational hours / Base station / - from 08:30 am - 17:00 pm. / last tourists „pedestrians“ transportation - 16:30 pm. and skiers - 17:00 pm./;

- Gondola lift operational hours / Upper station / - from 08:30 am -17:00 pm. / last  tourists transportation 17:00 pm./;

- The working hours of the four-seater Plateau chair lift - from 09:00 to 16:00 pm. / last transportation of skiers 16:00 pm;

- Opening hours of four-seater Bunderitsa 2 chair lift - from 09:00 to 16:15 pm. / last transportation of skiers 16:15 pm.

- Working hours of all other lift facilities - from 08:45 am. to 16:15 pm. / last transportation of skiers 16:15 pm. /.

Closing time for use of the chair lifts in the ski center by pedestrians who want to come back by them is 15 minutes before the last transportation of skiers.

31. After ski lifts operational time, ski patrols together with MRS teams, should make a last inspection tour down the ski slopes. The last tour of the ski patrol down Banderishka Polyana-Bansko starts at 17:30 pm. from Banderishka Polyana towards Bansko. The aim of the last tour is to check for injured individuals who could not reach the ski centre next to the Gondola ropeway by skiing for their transportation to the town, or could not make it down the ski road to the base station of the Gondola lift.

32. After ski–runs operating time starts the grooming of the pistes with ratracks. The normal opening hours for pistes grooming is from 18:00 pm. – 22:00 pm.

33. At the base stations of the ropeways, providing access to the ski pistes within the territory of Bansko Ski Area, signs with obligatory behavioral safety for skiers and tourists are placed, as well as an information board with the operating times of the ski facility and the closing hour of tourists lifting up.

34. There are electronic information boards at the base station, upper Gondola ropeway and Shiligarnika, on which the ropeways and ski pistes, their names and stage of difficulty are indicated. These dashboards display the functioning pistes and ropeways operating time as the information is updated in the event of a change.

35. On the information boards at the base station the operating time of the ropeways, the time of the last inspection tour of the ski patrol and the usual time for ski slopes grooming is indicated.

36. In order to ensure the safety of the ski slopes in the territory of Bansko Ski Area, Ulen AD takes the measures recommended for "unusual dangers and obstacles" by placing fences, mattresses, signs, signboards and other. Fencing is done in a way that poses no risk to tourists and the signs and information boards and signs are placed in visible locations on the slopes, at an appropriate distance before the dangerous area.

37. Ulen AD shall not be liable in case of an accident with people skiing or snowboarding off the safe and marked ski slopes in the ski center.

38. Skiing / snowboarding on the slopes outside their operating time and during their total or partial closure is not allowed.

39. Skiing /snowboarding and use of ropeways by persons intoxicated with alchohol, narcotics or other toxic substances is not allowed.



40. For the purpose of flying with paraglider / independently and with third parties/ over the territory of the ski center Bansko, it is necessary to obtain a permission from the management of Ulen AD.

41. For takeoff and landing with paraglider, certain specific locations throughout the ski center, which are clearly marked, are defined. The takeoff site is located at Todorka Peak, near the upper station of the Platoto lift, and the landing site is in front of the shooting range for biathlon stadium, Banderishka Polyana.

42. Those flying with paraglider are required to takeoff and land only in fixed for the purpose places. Taking off and landing places other than those clearly defined for the purpose is strictly prohibited.

43. All paragliders’ pilots are required to have a valid individual accident insurance and third party accident insurance.

44. Paragliding should only be carried out over a wooded area, as if flying over the ski runs and ropeways is necessary, it should be done at a height not less than 50 meters.

45. For reasons of tourists’ safety in the ski center, during the course of flights, it is absolutely necessary to follow closely the prevention of falling objects such as telephones, video cameras and others. The responsibility for this rests with the pilot, both when performing a solo flight and when accompanied by a third party.

46. All paragliders’ pilots must have radio stations for contact and set the radio frequency which is used for information and control.

47. Flying with paragliders is a sole responsibility of the pilot and flyer. Before flight operations the pilot must provide the flyer a declaration to be signed by which to confirm that he/she is familiar with the safety rules and taking full responsibility if an incident occurs. By signing this declaration, the person releases the operator of the ski area from any liability in respect of potential incidents that may occur when using this service.

48. All flyers must observe closely not only the current rules but also the safety instructions given by the pilot.

49. Flight operations must be consistent with the weather conditions and in bad weather no take off is necessary.  Weather conditions evaluation and responsibility rests with the pilot.



50. All practising winter sports /skiing, snowboarding/ within the territory of Bansko Ski Area must use only groomed, safe and informative pistes.

51. Off-piste skiing and snowboarding outside the ski pistes operating time, or in their closed sections poses a risk to the health and lives of skiers / snowboarders and the entire responsibility falls on them.

52. All tourists  are required to comply strictly with the rules approved by these general terms and conditions, the instructions of the company’s employees, ski patrol and representatives of MRS, and they must behave in such a way that they do not endanger or prejudice themselves or others.

53. According the ensuing legal requirements, the management of Ulen Company approved the below mentioned Rules for Safe Behavior of Tourists, Skiers/ Snowboarders, which must be observed by all practising winter sports in the territory of Bansko Ski Area, namely:

1. A skier or snowboarder must move in control. He must adapt the speed and manner of skiing or snowboarding to his personal ability and to the prevailing features of terrain, snow, weather conditions and traffic congestion; must not endanger or hinder other skiers’ and snowboarders’ movements; have control over their ski or snowboard, so that in case of necessity, to be able to change direction or stop; turn and move within the ambit of their own vision.

2. A skier or snowboarder must slow down where visisbility is reduced, near construction sites or obstacles, at intersections, in a fog, in crowded areas, in narrow parts, at the edge of a steep slope, at the bottom of a piste and within areas surrounding the ski lifts or in the presence of beginners;

3. Skiers and snowboarders are responsible not only for their own behaviour but also for the satisfactory condition of the equipment they use. This also applies to those using newly developed equipment (modified, prototype, etc.);

5. Skiers and snowboarders must observe the following rules of the track:

a) A skier or snowboarder in front has priority. The skier or snowboarder coming from behind must choose his route in such a way that he does not endanger skiers or snowboarders ahead by keeping a sufficient distance between himself and the other skier or snowboarder so as to leave the preceding skier or snowboarder enough space to make all their movements freely.

b) A skier or snowboarder may overtake another skier or snowboarder above or below and to the right or to the left provided that he leaves enough space for the overtaken skier or snowboarder to make any voluntary or involuntary movement. A skier or snowboarder who overtakes another is wholly responsible for completing that manoeuvre in such a way that causes no difficulty to the skier or snowboarder being overtaken. This responsibility rests with them until the overtaking manoeuvre has been completed. This rule applies even when overtaking a stopped skier or snowboarder.

c) Unless absolutely necessary, a skier or snowboarder must avoid stopping on the piste in narrow places or where visibility is restricted. The one who has stopped should as soon as possible stand aside; new entry on the piste should become in a safe way, without a risk of collision;

d) After a fall, a skier or snowboarder must clear the piste as soon as possible;

e)  At crossings, skiers and snowborders coming from the right side have priority;

f) A skier or snowboarder moving against the general direction, as well as either ascending or descending on foot must keep to the side of the piste;

6. Skiers and snowboarders must comply with all signs and markings and use the slopes corresponding to their technical and physical skills;

7. To give priority to pist and rescue services, and provided transport means and in no way hinder their way;

8. At accidents, every skier or snowboarder should render all possible assistance. Immediate First Aid should be given and the Rescue Service notified.   

54. With regard to practising cross-country skiing, the following special rules are approved, namely:

  1. The ski runs for cross-country skiing are used only in one direction. Where, exceptionally, a two-way traffic is required, be sure to put dividing nets and fences.

 2. In cross-country skiing, the slow skiers should keep the right side.

 3. When a cross-country skier is overtaken, upon request, he is obliged to clear the ski run.



55. All kinds of tickets and ski-passes for all lift facilities the ski area, located in Bansko are issued and sold at the following premises:

1.  Pay-desks of the company ULEN AD in the base and upper stations of the Gondola ropeway (GRW) Bansko - Banderishka Polyana;

2. Pay-desk of ULEN AD in Kempinski Hotel Grand Arena Bansko.

3. In the shops of the company Max Sport – Shop Maxsport in Sofia, bul. Bulgaria and Shop Maxsport, situated in hotel Strazhite in Bansko;

4. online, through the internet platform "Ski point", available through the website The general conditions for using the online services provided by Ulen AD can be found here.

5. On two "Kiosks" devices, located next to the bottom station of the gondola lift in Bansko

6. through the mobile application "Bansko Ski". You can find the general conditions for using the online services provided by Ulen AD through the mobile application here.

7. in the commercial sites of hotel

Lucky Bansco, "Sport Hotel", Belvedere Hotel, Hot Springs Hotel (Banya), Regnum Hotel, Orbilux Hotel, Casa Carina Hotel, Premier Hotel, Pirin River Hotel, Local stay Holiday Complex, Sunrise Hotel, Pirin Golf Club.

56. All types of lift passes can be charged or recharged through the online platform Ski point, through the mobile application and at the kiosk devices: for adults, for students; for students aged 12 to 18 (incl.); for children aged 7 to 11 (incl.) and for children up to 6 years of age (incl.) and for retirees with a duration of 1 day to 13 days and the Bansko Twenty pass. When purchasing lift passes through the online platform Ski point, through the mobile application and on the kiosks, the user of the service is obliged to correctly fill in all data entitling him to use the relevant category of lift ticket, responsible for the completeness and reliability of the personal data provided by him. In case of an inspection by authorized persons, the user of a lift pass for students, pupils, children or pensioners is obliged to prove his/her affiliation to the groups using the discount by presenting a document certifying this fact. 

57. At ski wardrobe № 1, located at the bottom station of the gondola lift and at the ticket office of Ulen located at "Kempinski Hotel Grand Arena Bansko" are sold lift passes with 10% and 15% discount from the ticket price, in case following conditions are fulfilled:

1. At ski wardrobe № 1 the clients can use 10% discount from the price of the lift pass in case using full ski equipment from the wardrobes of Ulen AD, and at the cash desk of Ulen located at "Kempinski Hotel Grand Arena Bansko" the clients can use 10% price reduction for the lift pass in case using full ski equipment from Elite Ski Wardrobe or a ski teacher from Elite ski school;

2. At ski wardrobe № 1 customers can use a 15% discount of the price of the lift pass when using full ski equipment and a ski instructor from the ski wardrobe and ski school Ulen, and at the cash desk of Ulen located at "Kempinski Hotel Grand Arena Bansko" customers can enjoy a 15% discount on the price of the lift pass, in case using full ski equipment and a ski instructor from Elite ski wardrobe and Elite ski school.

58. Ski passes issued by the box office of Ulen AD, located at "Kempinski Hotel Grand Arena Bansko" and the cash desks of "4 Points by Sheraton" Hotel ensure the use of a quick access corridor for the gondola lift Bansko-Banderishka Polyana.

59. ULEN AD pay-desks working hours for sale of ski-passes and tickets at the Bottom Station of the gondola lift and the upper station of the gondola are open from 8.30 am -5.30 pm, seven days a week during the winter season.
- The cash desk of Ulen AD, located at "Kempinski Grand Hotel Arena Bansko" is daily open from 8.30 am to 8 pm during the winter season. 
- On Thursday, Friday and Saturday (not yet!) there is a cash desk at the bottom station of the gondola lift, which open from 6 pm until 9:00 pm.

60. ULEN AD issues and sells tickets and ski-passes for all lift facilities in the ski area as follows:

1. Two-way tickets for the gondola lift "Bansko - Bunderishka Polyana" for the following groups of tourists: for adults, for students; for pupils aged from 12 to 18 years (incl.), for pensioners up to 74 years old / incl. /; for children aged 7 to 11 years (incl.); for children up to 6 years of age; for pensioners over 75; for disabled people and accompanying persons. The round trip ticket for the gondola lift can be used in two directions on the same day or in two different directions in different days / but without repeating the direction / until the end of the season, for which the ticket was issued.

2. Ski-passes for adults, students, pupils from 12 to 18 y.o. (incl.), for pensioners up to 74 years old / incl. /; for children aged 7 to 11 years (incl.); for children up to 6 years of age; for pensioners over 75 y.o.;

a) The half-day ski-pass can be purchased after 12.00 pm, but the service is active after 12:30 p.m. and gives an opportunity to use all the working lift facilities (cable cars and ski lifts) in the ski area by the end of their working hours for the day.

b) One-day pass, enabling to use the facilities in the ski area, at the approved opening hours of the ski centre for the day of its validity.

c) Two-day, three-day, four-day, five-day, six-day, nine-day passes and thirteen day ski-passes allowing to enjoy all existing cableways (cable cars and ski lifts) in the ski area from the date of purchase of the pass at the end of ski centre working hours on the date on which its validity expires.

d) Bottom Station lift ticket enabling the use of the lift facility, located at the Bottom Station Station of the gondola lift within the approved ski centre opening hours for the date of its validity;

e)  „Bansko – Twenty“ ski-pass valid for 20 days, at the choice of the customer within the 2024-2025 season /non-consequtive/;

f) Seasonal lift pass that provides right to the use of a quick access corridor for the gondola lift. The seasonal lift pass entitles the beholder to use all working ropeways (lifts and drag lifts) in the ski area from the start date of the ski season or from the date of purchase / depending on which of the two dates is later / until the end of the working hours of the ski center on the date on which the respective ski season closes. The end date of the seasonal lift pass coincides with the end date of the winter season, and the resort operator reserves the right to change the start and end dates of the season depending on weather conditions, snow cover and other force majeure circumstances. In this case, customers holding seasonal lift passes are not entitled to compensation for unused days of the validity period indicated on the tickets themselves.

g) The annual lift pass provides the right to use a quick access corridor to the gondola lift during the respective winter season for which it is valid. The annual lift pass entitles the beholder to use all working rope ways (lifts and drag lifts) in the ski area from the start date of the ski season or from the date of purchase / depending on which of the two dates is later / until the end of the announced working hours of the ski center on the date on which the winter season closes. The annual lift pass entitles its holder to use the gondola lift for the period of the summer season in the announced working days and hours, depending on the pre-approved and announced schedule of the gondola lift. The end date of validity of the annual lift pass coincides with the end date of the summer season, and the resort operator reserves the right to change the start and end dates of the seasons / winter and summer / depending on weather conditions, snow cover and other force majeure circumstances. In this case, customers holding annual lift passes are not entitled to compensation for unused days of its validity period indicated on the passes themselves.

3. Seasonal lift pass, giving the opportunity to practice ski teaching on the territory of the ski center Bansko. This type of pass is issued to persons who meet the conditions listed below and provides the use of places and slopes for ski or snowboard training, as well as the use of all rope ways / lifts and drag lifts / and the move within the ski area for the period of the season. The seasonal lift pass, which allows to practice ski teaching, allows the use of a quick access corridor for a gondola lift.

4. Lift pass, valid for a period of 30 consecutive calendar days, giving the opportunity to practice ski teaching on the territory of Ski Center Bansko. The validity of this type of lift pass starts from the day of its purchase. It is issued to persons who meet the conditions listed below, ensuring the use of places and slopes for skiing or snowboarding training, as well as the use of all rope ways / lifts and drag lifts / to move within the ski area for the period of card validity.

61. The validity of the lift passes Bansko Twenty starts after the first pass through a card reader in the ski center. In case of non-use of all days from the Bansko Twenty lift pass during the current season, the rest are not transferred to the next season, nor are they compensated in cash.

62. The seasonal lift pass, the annual lift pass, the Bansko Twenty lift pass, the gondola ticket (round trip), including the gondola ticket for persons with disabilities, the gondola ticket for a person accompanying a person with disabilities, the passes and tickets for children up to 6 years of age and for retirees over 75 years of age and the ticket for the drag lift "Bottom Station" are not subject to any other reduction.

63. Student lift pass / ticket can be purchased upon presentation of a valid and certified student document.

64. Student ski pass / ticket can be purchased from students aged 12 to 18 (incl.) upon presentation of a document certifying the age of the person. A lift pass for students up to 16 years can be purchased when the child is accompanied.

65. A lift pass / ticket for retirees up to 74 years of age /incl./ can be purchased upon presentation of a pension order / pension decision /, and pensioners over 75 years of age can purchase the respective category lift card for pensioners upon presentation of a document certifying the age of the person.

66. Ski-passes/tickets for children are divided into ski-passes/tickets for children aged from 7 to 11 years /including/ and ski-passes / tickets for children up to 6 years of age.

-  Ski pass/ticket for children up to 6 years of age can be purchased and used only when the child is accompanied by an adult and upon submission of a document certifying the age of the child. One adult may accompany up to 2 children /up to 7 Y.O./. Skipass validity for children up to 7 years of age must correspond to the validity period of the pass of the escorting person, whose pass validity period can not be shorter than the children pass.

- Ski Pass/ticket for children aged 7 to 11 /incl./ can be purchased and used in case the child is accompanied and upon presentation of a document certifying the age of the child.

67. Lift passes with a validity of more than three days, the pass for children up to 6 years old and for pensioners over 75 years old, requires the name, surname and a photo of their user. Lift passes and tickets for retirees can be purchased upon submission of a pension decision.

68. Gondola lift ticket for disabled people can be purchased upon submission of a valid expert decision issued by a competent authority – TELK, NELK (Expert Labour Medical Commission) certifying the degree of permanently reduced working capacity / the type and degree of disability of the person concerned.

69. Gondola lift ticket for a person escorting a disabled one, where the latter is entitled to be escorted by such a person and which is explicitly recorded in the EP, may be purchased against the submission of a valid expert decision issued by a competent authority - TELK, NELK (Expert Labour Medical Commission) certifying the degree permanently reduced working capacity / the type and extent of the person's disability and the right to assistance.

70. Prices of different types of tickets and passes are in BGN with VAT included and are quoted by "Ulen" AD in price lits placed in prominent places, next to each pay-desk of the company or in other sites that sell ski-passes and tickets, and hosted on the official website of the ski centre Bansko - In case of discounts made for specific occasions and holidays, the reduced lift tickets can be purchased only from the cash desks of Ulen, located at the bottom and top station of the gondola lift Bansko-Banderishka Polyana.

71. When purchasing a lift card valid for six or more days, a deposit in the amount of BGN 5.00 shall be paid, which shall be indicated in the price lists. The deposit is paid for the chip card itself / plastic / on which the service is validated. The service for 1 day, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 days and the half-day lift pass is validated on one-time chip cards for which no deposit is paid.

72. After the expiration of the validity of the chip card / plastic /, for which a deposit has been paid according to the conditions of the previous point, it can be returned to the company's cash desks against a fiscal receipt for the paid deposit or at the card machines and the client receives back the value of the deposit paid by him.

73. Mountain insurance services are included in the price of all passes and tickets.  „Unica“ signs with explanations of the insurance coverage included in lift passes, are placed in all cash centers of the Ulen AD.

74. Ski school activities on the territory of Ski Center Bansko can be practiced only by qualified ski instructors through the ski school by which they are hired.

75. Ski passess entitling skiers to work on the territory of Bansko Ski Center are provided at the request of the relevant ski school to which they are to be attached: List of leased ski instructors signed and stamped by the representative of the company managing the ski school; Documents certifying the competence of ski teachers and a document for the respective ski school.

76. It is forbidden to practice ski teaching activitys by a person who is not entitled to carry out such on the territory of Ski Center Bansko and using a simple tourist pass.

77. Any person who purchased a ticket or a lift cards obliged to keep it and show the ticket / pass to authorized employees to check its regularity.

78. The employees of Ulen AD as a "ski patrol" are authorized to check the tourists' tickets / ski passes on the territory of the ski slopes in the ski area, and the employees of Ulen AD servicing the ropeways themselves, the employees of the internal control unit and part of the security guards of Nova Guard Ltd, who monitor the regular use of the lift cards, are authorized to check the tickets and passes at the access to the crossing control system for the cableways.

79. After the initial passing of each guest who has a valid lift pass through the ski pass reader in the Ski area, a profile in the system is created containing a photo. This photo is visualized and compared on the displays when the guest passes through each subsequent ski pass reader in order to control the correct and lawful use of ski passes.

80. The sale, resale and transfer of lift passes and tickets to third parties is prohibited. The use of a lift pass / ticket by a person other than the one to whom it is issued is considered a violation of these rules, and if such a violation is found by authorized persons, the lift pass / ticket is blocked / deactivated. / art. 27, para 3 of the Ordinance for security and information security of the ski slopes clearly states that “Deactivation of a lift pass is done when establishing the use of: registered lift pass / identification card with a photo of a person other than the person which has been issued ”/.

81. In case of non-compliance with the rules established in the Ski Center, including the use of lift passes and tickets in violation of these general terms and conditions, authorized persons may restrict the access of violators to the facilities serving the ski area by deactivating the lift pass or in another appropriate way / art. 23, para 3 of the Ordinance for security and information security of the ski slopes /.

82. Lift cards and tickets are non-refundable when they are already used and on the occurrence of any of the following:

1. Disconnection of power supply;

2. Adverse weather conditions - strong winds, heavy snow, lack of snow, very low or very high temperatures, fog, rain, etc;

3. Partial closure for security reasons of pistes and cableways for security reasons in the ski area or to conduct sports competitions, training and / or other measures in cases provided for in current legislation;

4. Ski-pass integrity damage as a result of improper storage and operating or attempt to damage it;

5. Ski-pass loss;

6. Ski- pass deactivation due to breach of any provision of these General Terms and Conditions;

7. Ilness or injury of a ski- pass holder caused during its use;

8. Termination of pass use before expiration of its validity by the person who purchased it, regardless of the reason for it.

9. For other provisions, including in case of force majeure.  


Ulen values its loyal guests who prefer to ski or snowboard in the best winter resort in the Balkans. This is why we developed the Bansko Loyalty Club, which started during winter season 2018-2019. It is targeted at those winter sports enthusiasts who buy seasonal lift passes.

1. Anyone who meets the conditions below and has given their consent to participate the Club can take advantage of the benefits it offers.

2. The program includes three types of cards - Silver, Gold and Platinum. The possession of each subsequent card increases the benefits for the loyal guests.

3. The program started from the 2018-2019 winter season, but the first season that is taken into account to determine the type of card that the guest can own, and from which the consecutively purchased seasonal lift passes are counted is the 2017-2018 winter season.

4. For the 2024-2025 winter season, anyone who has purchased a seasonal lift pass during the previous winter season (2023-2024) can take advantage of Bansko Loyalty Club and can request a Silver card, which will ensure their use during the new winter season (2024-2025) of the below mentioned privileges.

5. The conditions for acquiring a Silver card and the privileges it provides to its holder are as follows:

5.1. Anyone who has purchased a seasonal lift pass for two years in a row for the lifts of Bansko Ski Center, gets such a card.

5.2. Silver card holders enjoy the following privileges:

- Quick access to the gondola lift;

- 5% discount at MaxSport stores;

- 5% discount at "Soprano's" Restaurant, "Happy End" apres ski bar and "Bachvite" Restaurant. This discount can be used only once a day, upon presentation of the silver card owned by the customer.

- Access to the stands during the Ski and / or Snowboard World Cup in Bansko (only in case such races take place during the season, for which the card was purchased)

- One-time use of "ski / snowboard service"

- Participation in a charity competition, organized especially for loyal customers, at the end of the ski season

- Party organized especially for loyal customers

6. The conditions for acquiring a Gold card and the privileges it provides to its holder are as follows:

6.1. Such a card is obtained by anyone who has purchased a seasonal lift passes for four consecutive years, ensuring the usage of the lifts on the territory of Ski Center Bansko.

Gold card holders can take advantage of the following privileges:

- Quick access to the gondola lift;

- Access to the stands during the Ski and / or Snowboard World Cup in Bansko (only in case such races take place during the season, for which the card was purchased)

- Three times use of "ski / snowboard service"

- 10% discount at MaxСport stores. Loyal customers will also receive special invitations to events organized for new collections.

- 10% discount at Soprano’s Restaurant, Happy End Bar, Barrels Restaurant and Alpine Bars located in the ski area. This discount can be used only once a day upon presenting an ID and the Gold Card.

- Participation in a charity competition, organized especially for loyal customers at the end of the ski season.

- Party organized especially for loyal customers

- Gold card holders can use a 50% discount for the price for parking in the parking lot at the bottom station of the gondola lift in Bansko and in the parking lot in the area of Shiligarnika, Stara Kotva and Banderishka Polyana during their daily working hours. This discount can be used only once a day and upon presentation of the Gold Card when paying the price at the parking lot.

7. The conditions for acquiring the Platinum card and the privileges it provides to its holder are as follows:

7.1. Such a card can be obtained by anyone who has purchased a seasonal lift card for six consecutive years, ensuring the use of the lifts on the territory of the Ski Center Bansko.

Platinum card holders will be entitled to benefit from the following privileges:

- Quick access to the gondola lift

- Access to the stands during the Ski and Snowboard World Cup in Bansko (only if competitions are held in the season for which the lift pass was purchased).

- Five times use of ski/snowboard service

- 15% discount in Maxsport stores. Loyal guests will also receive special invitations to events organized for the new collections.

- 15% discount in Soprano's Restaurant, Happy End Après Bar, Bacvite Restaurant and Alpine Bars located on the territory of the ski area. This discount can only be used once a day, upon presentation of the Platinum card owned by the customer.

- Participation in a charity competition at the end of the ski season, organized especially for loyal guests

- Party organized especially for loyal guests

- When booking a double room in Balkan Holidays hotels, Platinum Card holders will receive, as a compliment, a higher category of accommodation (subject to room availability only).

- 10% discount when booking on the Balkan Holidays website

- 90% discount on the price for parking in the parking lot at the bottom station of the gondola lift or at the parking lots in the area of ​​Shiligarnika, Stara Kotva and Banderishka Polyana, during their daily working hours. This discount can be used only once a day upon presentation of the Platinum card owned by the customer upon payment of the parking price at the cash desk of the respective parking lot.

8. We value and respect your rights and make every effort to protect your personal information. Ulen AD has developed and implemented a Personal Data Management System, complying with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament from 27.04.2016, on the protection of individuals in connection with the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, also called the GDPR.

9. Participation in our Loyalty Program will give you the opportunity to receive special personalization of the services provided, according to the type of card you own. To join the program you need to meet the conditions mentioned above and when buying a seasonal lift pass for the winter season to provide a limited amount of additional personal data that will allow us to provide you with specific services and participation in individual events.

10. By enrolling in the Program, you confirm your desire to participate in it, agree with the announced General Rules, which determine the possible use of your personal data, give your explicit consent for the e-mail specified by you to be used for explicit purposes.

11. Your personal data is collected in order to be processed only in connection with the issuance, provision and use of a Loyal Customer Card and in accordance with your prior consent. Some of the personal data is necessary to acquaint you with the conditions for participation in the Loyalty Program and the privileges it provides you. You can be notified about upcoming events and / or privileges included in the Program by the e-mail you provide, related to your rights as a member of Bansko Loyalty Club. With your explicit consent, commercial messages, news, offers and information about promotions, new products and services offered by Ulen AD may be sent to your e-mail for the period of your membership in the Program and not longer than two years after its termination.

12. The personal data received by you are also processed by third parties who are the operator of your personal data, participating in the process of providing the services you use. In such cases, your personal data will be processed under controlled conditions, only to the extent strictly necessary for the provision of the service.

13. We strive not to collect and store data of persons under 16 years of age without the permission of a parent or guardian. If you find out that your child has nevertheless provided their personal data for the purpose of issuing a loyalty card, please inform us at in order to stop using this data and to delete it from places of storage and processing

14. While protecting your personal data, we follow the rules set out in our Privacy Policy, which you can read at

If you have any questions regarding these general rules or our Privacy Policy, please contact us at

Through this program Ulen AD wants to thank its loyal customers and make their stay in the ski area and in Bansko even more enjoyable. 
In case of termination of the membership in Bansko Loyalty Club (in case of non-purchase of seasonal ski passes in consecutive winter seasons after the start of the Program), the client's rights are terminated. After subsequent purchase of seasonal ski passes the program starts from the beginning.

* Ulen AD reserves the right to change the terms of use of the program Bansko Loyalty Club. 


83. The observance of the rules for the use of ski runs and lift facilities approved by the management of Ulen AD on the territory of a ski zone with the center of Bansko; special rules for practicing paragliding; the mandatory rules for the safe behavior of skiers and snowboarders practicing winter sports on the territory of a ski zone with the center of Bansko and the general conditions for the issuance, sale, validity and use of tickets and lift passess in Bansko Ski Area are monitored by the employees of ULEN AD as a ski patrol" unit. Some of the security guards allocated to Nova Guard Ltd, as well as the employees of Ulen AD, serving the ropeways and the employees of the internal control unit, monitor the lawful use of the lift passes.

84. Ski patrols wear distinctive official clothing and a business card, which they legitimize in performing their duties.

85. When performing their duties, ski patrols are entitled to:

1. Monitor the observance of the established order on the ski slopes and servicing facilities in Bansko Ski Area by the users of services within its territory.

2. Keep an eye on the compliance with the rules for use of ski slopes and their servicing ropeways.

3. Look after the non-use of ski slopes and their servicing ropeways within the territory of Bansko Ski Area by persons visibly intoxicated and / or under the influence of drugs.

4. Keep a check on the non-use of ski slopes and the servicing ropeways in Bansko Ski Area in a way violating the obligatory rules for safe behavior and / or threatening with it both their own health and safety and the health and safety of other tourists.

5. Carry out checks on a casual basis for the regularity of lift passes or tickets use.

6. Facilitate the employees of the internal control unit, security guards from Nova Guard Ltd when holding inspections and detecting violations, and if necessary, to apply to the authorities of MVR (Ministry of Interior) for help.

7. Follow closely on preventing impermissible movement of vehicles within the territory of Bansko Ski Area.

8. See after a non-regulated training in skiing and snowboarding by persons not authorized to practice this activity.

9. Carry out daily inspections of the conditions conditions of pistes passability, safety facilities reliability and information richness, including the information and directing signs and boards for the existence of unusual hazards, including avalanches and landslides.

10. Assess the conditions for practising winter sports during the working day and submit information for taking measures to close the pistes or parts thereof.

11. In the event of danger, the ski patrol is obliged to immediately notify the management of Ulen and his home-base manager and give directions to the conduct of skiers in relation to the situation arisen.

12. Administer first aid to injured or aggrieved persons by securing the place and waiting for the arrival of medical personnel and rescue team.

13. Require when carrying out verification for quick reference the identification documents of persons inspected.

86. When performing its duties, the ski patrol is entitled to warn those who do not comply with the rules of safe conduct, the public order rules and the rules for the use of the ski area / ski run established and approved by these General Terms and Conditions. Upon failure to comply with the warning, the patrol shall have the right to limit the access of offenders to the facilities serving the ski area by deactivating the lift cardor by other appropriate means.

87. Each user of the services provided within the territory of Bansko Ski Area is obliged to cooperate in the verification by the authorized persons.


88. The official website provides access to online services and information that can be used by customers of the Ski Center.
89. The site refers to the internet platform "Ski point", through which online loading / recharging of ski / lift passes can be performed. When accessing the Internet platform "Ski point", users of the online services of the Ski area voluntarily provide their personal data. More detailed information about the General Terms of Use of the online services provided by Ulen AD through the Internet platform "Ski point" are here.
90. The site provides access to useful information for the clients of the Ski Center, such as information about the open slopes, ropeways and facilities in the Ski Center, about the snow cover and weather conditions, for upcoming competitions and events, online access to web cameras working in real time, prices of services offered by Ulen AD, as well as other up-to-date information. The useful information provided by is available to the clients of the Ski Center without the need for user registration.
91. Ulen AD applies the necessary organizational and technical measures for protection of the processed personal information. General Terms and Conditions are applied in accordance with the specifics of the services offered electronically, as well as the Personal Data Management Policy, which everyone can get acquainted with here.


92. Pursuant to the instructions of the Ministry of Health, adequate measures have been taken at the Bansko Ski Center to protect visitors and staff in the context of the complicated epidemiological situation in connection with the spread of COVID 19.
93. An organization has been set up to implement the instructions of the Ministry of Health on the territory of the Ski Center, following the general guidelines of the Algorithm of disinfection measures in public facilities in the conditions of epidemic spread of COVID-19.


94. These General Terms and Conditions are applicable in their entirety. They are approved by the Management of Ulen AD. If necessary and at its discretion, the Company may change and supplement them, and these changes will be considered effective from the date of their public announcement on the site and / or their placement in the designated places in the Ski Area. We recommend all users of the services provided by Ulen AD to get acquainted in detail with the requirements set forth in these General Rules and General Terms and Conditions. Any person who has objections or does not accept these General Terms and Conditions or part of them, exercising his right to discretion, may decide not to use the services offered at the Ski Center.
95. Any disputes arising in connection with the services described in these General Rules and General Terms and Conditions, or regarding their interpretation and application, shall be resolved through well-intentioned negotiations. If no agreement is reached, the dispute shall be resolved before the competent Bulgarian court, applying the provisions of the current Bulgarian legislation.
96. For contacts: Ulen AD; Bansko 2770; 94 Pirin Street, e-mail:


1. Introduction

These General Terms and Conditions (GT&Cs) regulate the rules for the use of "Bansko Ski" mobile application, which allows online charging / recharging of lift passes, gaining of useful information on the Ski Center Bansko, including information on the weather conditions /time in the ski center, opened slopes and running facilities, access to real time cameras and information on how to use a ski pass by clients of the ski center.

Ulen AD is a trade company with main and registered office in: Bansko 2770, Blagoevgrad region, 94 Pirin Str., UIC № 101156430, e-mail:, contact phone: +359882111325. Bansko Ski application (the Application) has been developed and maintained by assignment made by Ulen AD (the Company or the Provider) to specialized companies hired for this purpose, providers of information and communication services. These GT&Cs  apply automatically to all persons (User / Users) who use the services provided via the Application / paid and / or free / and access the information available in it. They are applicable in their entirety and cannot be modified by the users. They are available on the Application and on the website and are kept up to date.

Please read them carefully before using Bansko Ski mobile application.

When downloading Bansko Ski mobile application on his device, the User is getting acquainted and agrees with the requirements specified in these GT&Cs. Any user who has objections or does not accept the GT&Cs or part of it , exercising his right to discretion, may decide not to use the Application.

2. Definitions and abbreviations used

The definitions and abbreviations used specifically in this document are described below.

• “General Terms and Conditions” (or “General Rules”) – mean the present document, which describes the conditions, requirements and rules for use of the services provided by ULEN AD, via “Bansko Ski” mobile application, online services and access to useful information, including the activities carried out in the ski area with the center in Bansko. To avoid duplication, the abbreviation GTC is also used in the document.

• "Provider" – means ULEN AD, as an organization, the assignment of which has developed and maintains "Bansko Ski" mobile application by hired specialized companies, providers of information and communication services.

• "Mobile application" is a specialized computer program designed for use on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. In this document, a mobile application (or the "Application") means "Bansko Ski".

• "User" is used herein for any individual who accesses the services and useful information provided via "Bansko Ski" mobile application.

• "User account" includes: personal identifier, which in this case is the e-mail provided by the User; password generated by the User and access rights to the services offered via the Application.

• "User profile" is this section in "Bansko Ski" mobile application, in which the User enters his personal data during registration to use the services and useful information.

• "Third party profile" is this section in the mobile application "Bansko Ski", in which the User enters personal data of his family members or other persons in order to be able to charge / recharge a lift pass via his user account in the Application .

• "Personal data" - for the purposes of this document, these are first name and surname, date of birth, e-mail, photo, etc. which are provided by the User upon registration in the Application or when purchasing a lift pass for his relatives or acquaintances, which allow these persons to be uniquely identified as individuals using the services of the application.

• "Service / services" is used to provide access, through a user account created in the mobile application "Bansko Ski", to the paid service provided by ULEN AD online charging / recharging of lift passes, as well as to obtain useful information about activities, carried out in the ski area with the center in the town of Bansko, for the skiing conditions, etc ..

• "Commercial communications" - is used herein, according to the text of Art. 5 of Electronic Commerce Law (ECL) for advertising or other communications, presenting directly or indirectly the goods, services or reputation of the person performing commercial or craft activity or exercising a regulated profession.

• "Third parties" - such here are considered natural and legal persons, who are not parties to a contract with the Provider for the provision of services through registered as traders and traders who, through the mobile application, can offer to Users, in case of their explicit consent for the use of their data for direct marketing, information about the goods and services offered by them.

• "Notifications" is used here as messages for advertising or commercial purposes sent to the user profile in the Application, if the user has confirmed that he agrees to his data to be used for direct marketing.

• "Geolocation" is the ability to access information about the location of the User in the ski area through a global satellite positioning service or other suitable method (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth). The service can be used, if the mobile device of the User has the necessary module for this purpose, it is activated and the geolocation is allowed for the mobile application.

3. Services provided

Via Bansko Ski mobile application, Ulen AD provides the following services:

Online charging / recharging of ski / lift passes against payment of their value. For this purpose, the User must have a lift pass (plastic) of a suitable type in order to be able to enter its number, which is located on the back of the plastic, and to charge/recharge it with the selected type of ski pass. For the convenience of the User, during registration of the user account, he enters the number of the ski / lift card / plastic /, which is saved in his profile, so when charging or recharging the same plastic it is not necessary to re-enter its number.

Each user can also charge at his own expense lift passes for members of his family or others by creating a separate profile for them in his account and entering in them their first name and surname, date of birth and photo, as well as the numbers of the ski passes /number of the plastics. The responsibility for providing of the personal data of the individuals added to the charging request for the lift passes, is entirely held by the User.

Via the Application, the User can access information on the use of his ski pass, statistics on the use of the ski pass during the various days of its validity, such as number of lifts used, vertical distance / displacement, descending kilometers, kilometers of used lifts, etc ..

Via the Application, the User has the opportunity to access an information map of the ski area, which indicates the facilities and ski slopes, their name and degree of difficulty, as well as their accessibility. The User can also get useful information about the working slopes and lift facilities in the Ski Center, as well as the snow cover in certain places.

The User can also access useful information about the current weather conditions in the Ski Center, monitor weather forecasts and receive warnings and reports of avalanche danger. The Application also provides access to the panoramic cameras in the Ski Center, working in real time. The user can also receive information about any activities, initiatives, events and other services offered in the Ski Zone Bansko. The Application provides information and allows for easy telephone connection with a number of restaurants in the ski area, and with the hotels Kempinski Hotel Grand Arena Bansko,  4 Points by Sheraton Hotel,  Pirin Hotel, Bansko Hotel and Mura Hotel.

Via the Application you can contact the Mountain Rescue Service and report a disaster / accident (SOS).

Every client of Bansko Ski Area, including tourists practicing winter sports on its territory are responsible for compliance with the rules established in the ski area, at their own risk practice snow sports and use cable cars for transportion of people. The general rules for the use of ski slopes and cable cars and the general conditions for issuing, selling, validity and use of tickets and lift passes in the „Ski Zone with the center in the town of Bansko ”, are published on the website and you can get familiar with them here.

4. Users 

For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions and the related Privacy Policy, "User" is any legally capable individual who has reached at least 14 years of age, who uses the downloaded application "Bansko Ski" on a mobile device and creates his user account (User account).

Users enjoy free and unrestricted access to the personal data provided by them and can change them at any time. Users may, at their discretion and at any time, delete their profile.

5. Registration

Ulen AD, in its capacity of Service Provider, does not provide registration of a user by default. The user is entitled to only one active personal registration / account in the Application. Registration is free of charge. The user registers via an electronic form for registration of the application "Bansko ski" installed on a terminal mobile device. Upon registration, the User provides:

• first name and surname;

• date of birth;

• e-mail;

• lift card number / plastic / (at the discretion of the user)

• photo (at the discretion of the user)

After filling in the data, the User receives an e-mail with instructions for activating the registration on the e-mail provided by him for this purpose. Following the instructions, the User should confirm his registration in the Application.

Confirmation of registration in the application "Bansko Ski" is an electronic statement within the meaning of the Electronic Document and Electronic Signature Act, by which the User declares that he wishes to use the services provided electronically, is familiar with the Privacy Policy and the current GT&Cs, accepts them and undertakes to comply with them. The registration is accepted as a form of contract between the Provider and the User and takes effect from the moment of activating the User account in the Application.

The User may at any time make corrections to the data in his User profile in the Application, being responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information provided. In the event of a change in the data after registration, the User undertakes to update it in a timely manner.

The User creates his personal access password, being responsible for its protection from third parties. The User can change his password to access the account in the Application at any time. The Provider provides an opportunity to the User, who has forgotten his password, to restore access to his account by following the instructions sent to the e-mail entered by him during registration.

The User can have only one active registration from one mobile device.

6.  Application usage

Ulen AD provides the User with access to the above online services, including: the paid service - charging / recharging of a lift pass and free access to the information from the Application, in strict compliance with these General Terms and Conditions and the relevant regulations.

Ulen AD does not control the information generated by the User and is not responsible for the content and quality of the latter or for damages arising from it. The provider does not have the opportunity and is not obliged to check for the coincidence of the names stated during the registration via the indicated e-mails. Ulen AD is not responsible for whether the information provided by the User affects the rights of third parties or intellectual property rights.

The ski / lift pass charged for a specific User, should be used only by him, it should not be transferred and cannot be used by another person.

Lift cards are non-refundable when they are already used and on the occurrence of any of the following: Disconnection of power supply; Adverse weather conditions - strong winds, heavy snow, lack of snow, very low or very high temperatures, fog, rain, etc; Partial closure for security reasons of pistes and cableways for security reasons in the ski area or to conduct sports competitions, training and / or other measures in cases provided for in current legislation; Ski-pass integrity damage as a result of improper storage and operating or attempt to damage it; Ski-pass loss; Ski- pass deactivation due to breach of any provision of these General Terms and Conditions; Ilness or injury of a ski- pass holder caused during its use; Termination of pass use before expiration of its validity by the person who purchased it, regardless of the reason for it; For other provisions, including in case of force majeure.  

When load/reload lift pass by the Аpplication ensure you have entered correctly the ski card number(s). You can check or edit the card number from your profile. If you are reloading a card that is currently loaded with a ski pass and proceed with payment, you will lose the current ski pass.

It is very important to check if you have set the validity period of the lift pass correctly. In case of an error, the value of the lift pass is not refundable and the card is not reissued with another validity period.

The User may receive commercial messages, news, offers and contacts, if he has accepted his data to be used for direct marketing. Unrequested information for marketing purposes may also be sent to the e-mail address specified by him, and the User shall be clearly and unambiguously informed about the nature of the message.

ULEN AD reserves the right to change the form and content of Bansko Ski Application at any time, including the design, form, technology and services it provides, without prior notice.

The Provider reserves the right to suspend the operation of the Application at any time in order to check and improve its functionality or content, as well as for other reasons related to its maintenance.

The user undertakes to use his registration in the Application, observing the moral rules, good manners and internet ethics. The Application must not be used to take malicious actions that cause harm to other persons, as well as those that are contrary to Bulgarian law or other applicable law.

The User has no right to change, restrict or dispose in any way of the structure, content or maintenance of the Application.

ULEN AD shall not bear any responsible for the inability of the User to use the service offered via "Bansko Ski" application due to technical reasons (such as hardware or software problem, problem with Internet connection, etc.).

The Provider shall not be liable for damages caused to the Users due to interruption / deterioration of the quality of the service provided via the Application and access to useful information as a result of force majeure within the meaning of the Commercial Law, as well as accidental events beyond the Company's control. This also applies to problems in the equipment used by the User or in case of illegal interference of third parties in the functioning of the information and communication infrastructure supporting the Application.

The Provider reserves the right to deny an access to the User to a service when he has not made a due payment to ULEN AD OR HAS VIOLATED the General Terms and Conditions.

ULEN AD reserves the right to immediately and without notice restrict access to the Application and to cancel the registration of the User in the following cases:

- in the event of doubt of incorrect data submitted by him;

- use of the mobile application by the User in violation of these General Terms and Conditions;

- manifestation of unfairness or illegal actions by the User, implying the danger of unfavourable consequences for the Provider or for other persons or organizations;

- a request received by legal authorities in accordance with the law;

- obligations accrued as a result of a statutory act.

Ulen AD is not liable for damages and / or lost benefits by the User or third parties, occurred as a result of the suspension of the User's access to the Application and the deletion of his User profile.

The Provider has the right to refer to the competent state authorities if it is established that the User violates the provisions of applicable Bulgarian law or other applicable law, as well as if it restricts the rights and violates the legitimate interests of third parties.

The Provider may, at its discretion and without prior notice, restrict access to or delete from the Application downloaded by the User data and content, if they are published in violation of these Terms and Conditions, the generally accepted moral rules and could harm third parties.

The Provider may, but not as an obligation, at the request of the User to remove from the Application a content that the User has previously downloaded or published by third parties, who had gained access to his User profile.

The useful information provided via the Application may in some cases contain links to third party sites, the content, practices and rules of confidentiality, over which Ulen AD does not exercise control in any form. For this reason, Ulen AD cannot be directly or indirectly liable for any damages or losses caused in any way due to the access to third party sites, to which you may be referred to. Users assume responsibility for their actions by visiting such sites, and should adhere to the rules and regulations established there.

The intellectual property rights, including copyrights on logos, presentations, photos and other similar materials published in the mobile application, are the property of the Provider or of third parties with whom Ulen AD has a contractual relationship.

The application is intended only for personal, non-commercial use by the User. No other use, such as copying or storing its content, in whole or in part, is allowed without the explicit permission of the Provider. In case the User uses a content from the Application, violating the requirements of the Copyright and Related Rights Act, he is responsible for all damages caused to ULEN AD.

7. Personal Data Protection 

Ulen AD is a personal data administrator within the meaning of the applicable legislation. The Company processes and stores the data of the Users under the conditions of confidentiality, in accordance with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament of 27.04.2016 (GDPR) on the protection of individuals in connection with processing personal data and on the free movement of such data. This data shall not be provided to third parties unless there is a lawful basis.

The Company is not responsible for the use of personal data provided by a particular User, when such usage is in accordance with the legislation in force in Bulgaria and the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, regardless of whether this usage is permitted by the country of which the User is a citizen or in which he stays or temporarily resides. In case of legal collision, the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria is applicable.

Termination of User's access to the Application, regardless whether this is due to the initiative of the User or the Provider, is considered an automatic termination of the contract between the parties. The Provider has the right to delete from the servers under its control the User’s account, as well as to process and store in a manner not contrary to the law, the personal data provided by the User and other information about all actions in the system related to the usage of the Application by this User, for a period of five years after the termination of his registration.

More detailed information on personal data protection provided by Users of the Application can be found in our Privacy Policy here.

8. Request and Payment for Services Provided

The services provided by the Company via the Application are offered at prices announced in BGN with VAT included. The prices are not subject to change from the moment of ordering the service until its payment. The final amount due is the sum of all individual services that the User has requested, including, but not limited to, the transfer fee, tax, administrative fees, eventually insurance price.

The User shall bear the costs of the Electronic Payments Operator for the conversion of the currency used in the transaction, as well as all necessary fees and costs for making a transfer to the provider of the requested service.

At the request of the User, an invoice is issued for the service paid for via the Application, after the User submits the data required by law for its compilation by e-mail to

In case of service usage refusal via the Application, the User must send a message to the email address In case of failure to use the service, the amount paid by the User will be transferred to the account card from which the payment was made. 

The term for refund of the amount is 15 calendar days, as of the date on which ULEN AD has received the message from the User for refusal of the service at the indicated e-mail address.

In case the use of a ski / lift pass charged via the Application has started, the User cannot cancel the signed contract for service usage and the amount paid for it is not refundable.

The right to benefit from a campaign announced by the Company (gift, discount or other privileges) for services purchased via the Application, arises when the User's request meets all the conditions of the announced campaign. If the User cancels the contract for usage of a service paid for charging a ski / lift pass, this right is revoked.

In case of paid but not received service, the User notifies the service provider at the email address

9. Data protection when paying for requested services via the Application

The User pays online for the services requested by him with a credit or debit card through a virtual terminal (payment gateway) of FIBank AD Sofia. When making payments, high-tech measures are applied to protect User’s personal data. User’s data is protected by appropriate cryptographic means. Users, who have activated the 3D secure mechanism of their card, will be redirected to the site of the issuing bank to confirm the transaction.

The Application does not store information of credit or debit card numbers. Only data about the transaction are saved, in accordance with the requirements of the Bulgarian legislation. The information necessary for doing the transaction is stored in a protected User’s mobile device section by which the User had registered himself.

The personal password entered by the User is not stored on the servers of the service provider. It is intended only for activating the generated crypto-key for realizing the transaction. The crypto-key itself remains only on the User's mobile device and is not accessible by the service provider.

When paying for the requested services with credit / debit cards, which are not issued by Fibank AD Sofia, the rules for protection of the transaction, introduced by the organization which has issued the card, are applied.

10. General provisions

ULEN AD makes it possible to ensure the normal functioning of the service provided via the Application and access to useful information. Due to the fact that the use of the Application is free of charge, the Provider cannot undertake the obligation to ensure and guarantee completely trouble-free and uninterrupted operation of all functionalities of the Application in such a way as to meet all expectations and requirements of the Users.

These General Terms and Conditions for use of the online services provided by Ulen AD in the Ski Zone with center in the town of Bansko are approved by the management of Ulen AD. If necessary and at its discretion, the Company may amend these rules and conditions. The current version will be available in due course in the Application. The latest version of these GT&Cs published in the Application is considered valid.

For any issues related to these General Terms of Use, you can contact the Provider at +359 749 88911 or via email

If a User sends a message that he does not accept the changes made in the update of these GT&Cs, this will mean automatic termination of the contract between the User and the Provider for use of the Application.

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