Ski lifts

Ski slopes

Lift Banderitsa: 9 AM - last ride 4:15 PM, Lift Plato: 9 AM - last ride 4 PM
1. A skier or snowboarder must ride or move in full control. He must adapt the speed and manner of skiing or snowboarding to his personal ability level and to the prevailing features of terrain, snow, weather conditions and traffic congestion; must not endanger or hinder other skiers’ and snowboarders’ movements; have control over their ski or snowboard, so in case of necessity to be able to change direction or stop; turn and move within the ambit of their own vision.
2. A skier or snowboarder must slow down where the visibility is limited, near construction sites or obstacles, at intersections, in a fog, in crowded areas, in narrow parts, at the edge of a steep slope, at the bottom of a piste and within areas surrounding the ski lifts or in the presence of beginners.
3. Skiers and snowboarders are responsible not only for their own behaviour but also for the satisfactory condition of the equipment they use. This also applies to those using newly developed equipment (modified, prototype, etc.);
4. Skiers and snowboarders must keep the following rules of the slope:
а) A skier or snowboarder in the front has priority. The skier or snowboarder coming from behind must choose his route in such a way that he does not endanger skiers or snowboarders in the front by keeping a sufficient distance between himself and the other skier or snowboarder in order to leave the preceding skier or snowboarder enough space to make all their movements freely.
b) A skier or snowboarder may overtake another skier or snowboarder above or below and to the right or to the left only if she/he leaves enough space for the overtaken skier or snowboarder to make any voluntary or involuntary movement. A skier or snowboarder who overtakes another person is wholly responsible for completing that manoeuvre in such a way that it causes no difficulty to the skier or snowboarder being overtaken. This responsibility rests with them until the overtaking manoeuvre has been fully completed.This rule applies even when overtaking a stopped skier or snowboarder.
c) Unless absolutely necessary, a skier or snowboarder must avoid stopping on the piste in narrow places or where the visibility is limited. The one who has stopped should as soon as possible stand aside; new entry on the piste should become in a safe way, without a risk of collision;
d) After falling a skier or snowboarder must clear/leave the piste as soon as possible
e) At crossings, skiers and snowborders coming from the right side have priority
f) A skier or snowboarder moving against the general direction, as well as either ascending or descending by foot must keep to the side of the piste;
5. Skiers and snowboarders must keep all signs, markers and instructions and use the slopes suitable to their technical and physical skills
6. Skiers and snowboarders must give priority to pist patrols, MRS (Mountain Rescue Service) and transport vehicles and in no way hinder their way
7. In case of an accident every skier or snowboarder should provide all possible assistance. First Aid should be given and the MRS should be notified.