Ski lifts

Ski slopes

Lift Banderitsa: 9 AM - last ride 4:15 PM, Lift Plato: 9 AM - last ride 4 PM
From March 4th the lifts will operate with normal working hours: Gondola - 8:30, Plato & Banderitsa 2 - 9:00, all other lifts - 8:45.
On this occasion there will be an open exhibition at the bottom station of the gondola lift in Bansko, where every resident and guest of Bansko will have the opportunity to view the sports cars.
In the afternoon the new Porsche Macan will be presented and tested at the parking lot of the gondola lift in Bansko and every guest and resident of Bansko will be able to view around 100 cars from the elite brand.
After 20:30 dinner & DJ Party isat the cult bar Happy End
10:30-11:00: Arranging the cars for group ascent to Banderishka Polyana.
11.00: Start of engines and start. Participants will be divided into groups. Driving will be in a controlled environment and with a lead car.
11:30-12:30: Arrival at Banderishka Polyana and group photos. Closing of the event.